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 Scandic-Forest | mežizstrādes pakalpojumi


  • Principal felling
    Once the trees have reached harvesting age, the owner has the opportunity to generate an income from the harvested forest. If the owner has been responsible and has carried out maintenance work, felling is also possible at diameter. Clear-cutting: Harvesting can be carried out as a continuous clear-cut. At least 5 ecological trees for every 1 hectare and natural values are retained in the area. For example, fallen trees, trees with large bird nests, coppice trees, groups of coppice trees, standing trunks, etc. Selective cutting: There are times when clear-cutting is prohibited. The main felling may be carried out as a random felling. The legislation sets a minimum amount of cross-cutting. Such felling gives the forest a park-like look.
  • Developing stock care
    Maintenance harvesting is necessary to improve the growth conditions of the remaining trees. As the trees grow, the crown develops and they become taller and stouter. When trees are close together, the crowns touch and competition between trees starts. It is necessary to start planning the maintenance felling. To generate a regular income from growing the forest until the main harvest, it is necessary to carry out well-considered maintenance harvesting. This can speed up the forest life cycle and generate higher incomes. Coppicing cuts the lowest quality trees and produces low-value assortments such as tar, pulpwood and firewood. The first coppice harvest can be carried out when the stand has reached 12 m in height or 10 cm in diameter. There are various risks of coppicing - creating gaps, scraping trees, attracting bark beetles. Therefore, you are advised to consult experienced loggers before starting work.
  • Harvesting damaged trees
    Sometimes trees are damaged by wind, snow, freezing rain, fire, animals, disease or insects. It is important to understand the extent of damage when entering a stand. If individual trees have been damaged, then it may be possible to carry out a selective felling of the damaged trees. If the extent of damaged trees is greater than 0.2 ha, a sanitary clear-cut should be carried out. 0.2ha is an area of 50x40m. A felling certificate must be obtained from the State Forest Service. In certain situations, felling is possible after notification.
  • Brush clearance
    Bushes are a new source of income for landowners. Bushes can be harvested on: agricultural land ditches fields roadsides specific sites Each site is assessed individually. You can profit from overgrown areas.
  • Aligning the rises
    Rising often occurs after the completion of works. A responsible landlord will level the rises after the work when it is technically possible. If the ruts are full of liquid mud, they can be levelled when they have dried out. Our machinery can also freeze roads and loading bays.
  • Development of a forest inventory plan
    The purpose of a forest inventory is to provide the owner with information about the forest. The forest is divided into parcels. Each plot shows all the information about the stand. By reviewing the inventory, it is possible to understand what is growing in the forest, in what quality and quantity, and what management measures need to be taken. An inventory is necessary when planning: economic activity - felling trees obtain European co-financing, e.g. for coppicing, coppicing, afforestation develop a forest management and conservation plan receive compensation for nature conservation areas determine forest value IMPORTANT Forest inventories are compulsory, every 20 years. If the forest inventory is not valid, the State Forest Service will not issue tree felling certificates. USEFUL My forest inventory If you do not know whether the property has been inventoried, contact the State forest service >> Current information Detailed information Forest inventory and Forest state register information circulation rules >>
  • Staking
    Staking or marking boundaries in the field. It must be carried out if there is a wish to clear-cut. Marking in the field must be done accurately and in accordance with the law. See >> Regulations on felling trees in forests, Procedure for the preparation of felling sites. Reinforcement must be carried out to: A State Forest Service officer can compare the sketch of the planned forest clearing with the actual match in the field. If the staking is not carried out in the field, the application for a felling certificate may be refused. The logger has clear boundaries where the work is to be carried out. If the felling is not carried out accurately, the consequences may be administrative and even criminal liability. Felling requires specific knowledge and experience. This work can be done by yourself, but we recommend hiring someone who does it on a daily basis. As a result, the issue of felling certificates is hassle-free, there are no refusals and the risk of felling what should not be felled is eliminated. Costs depend on the amount of brush, mobility in the forest. On average it is around 25-40 eur/ha.
  • Other services
    Timber delivery Branch delivery Timber carrier services Trailer services Soil preparation Forest planting with hand tools Young tree care Coordination of stacking sites and roads Restoration of hummocks Felling of coppice Preparation of documents Providing advice Please contact us individually for prices and delivery times.

Logging services

Mežizstrādes pakalpojumi | Scandic Forest


Scandic Forest - offers logging services

Logging involves many different types of work. If you need any work done, please contact us for options and pricing.

Scandic Forest is a company with a long track record of sustainable woodland management.

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